How Do I Know If I Have Chronic Depression and Anxiety?

We all feel sad sometimes. However, it’s important to recognize when depression has become chronic. If feelings of depression and anxiety have persisted for weeks at a time, you could be suffering from chronic depression. In this article, we look at some signs that you should seek treatment.

Take Notice of Changes in Your Mood

If you find yourself emotionally down more days than not, note this. Signs of chronic depression include feeling sad, empty, hopeless, or irritable most of the time. You may no longer enjoy activities that used to interest you. Your energy levels might be consistently low with small tasks feeling exhausting. Sleep issues are also common with chronic depression.

Pay Attention to Physical Signs

In addition to emotional symptoms, chronic depression often causes physical changes too. You could experience unexplained headaches, stomach troubles, or other pain. Your appetite may be affected. Feeling tired and sluggish when you shouldn’t could indicate an underlying case of depression. Always monitor your body for ongoing aches, pains, digestive issues, or sleep disturbances.

Watch for Impacts to Your Life

Untreated depression and anxiety can profoundly impact your ability to function at home, work, or school. Struggling with concentration and decision-making are possible symptoms. Depression can cause increased irritability that strains relationships. Withdrawal from hobbies and friends is another sign to watch for. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, there are dozens of potential symptoms of mental illness.

Talk to Your Doctor

If you see signs of chronic depression in your life, talk to your doctor. Describe specific emotional, physical, and lifestyle changes you’ve noticed. Your doctor can provide an assessment and refer you to a mental health professional. With the right treatment plan, you can overcome depression and reclaim your mental well-being.

If you’ve noticed emotional, physical, and lifestyle changes persisting for weeks, it’s time to reach out for help. Chronic depression is treatable with professional support. Pay close attention to your mood, health, and quality of life. With compassionate care from professionals and some work on your end, you have the power to break free from depression’s grasp. If you think you’re dealing with depression and anxiety, reach out to Appalachian Counseling and Psychological Services for mental health services today.