
How to Reduce Chronic Stress

According to the World Bank, about a million people struggle with mental health disorders that significantly affect them. Chronic stress can exacerbate symptoms of certain disorders and can even lead to physical illness if left untreated. If you feel constant stress, here are some tips to help you manage it.

Move Your Body

One of the best ways to manage stress is to become more active and get your body moving. This is because, when you exercise, your brain helps to regulate your hormones (including cortisol, the stress hormone). You might try riding a bicycle for relaxation or as an alternative mode of transportation for going to and from work. Those who have a pool might use it to swim regularly for exercise. You also might try participating in recreational league sports, like softball, bowling, or martial arts. The more physically active you are during the day, the easier it will be to work off stress and sleep well at night.

Try to Get Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep over an extended period is bad for your physical and mental health. You should try to regulate your sleep by going to bed at a consistent time and reducing screen time by at least an hour beforehand. If you struggle to get to sleep, consider journaling, listening to ASMR, and performing other relaxing activities prior to going to sleep.

Learn Relaxation Techniques

The ability to relax is very important for combating stress. Taking up hobbies that relax you can make it easier to reduce your stress. Tai chi, yoga, and meditation are three great ways to focus your mind. You also might enjoy soft music, reading a book, or spending time at a local fishing hole where you can relax and focus your attention on something other than your stress and its many potential causes.

Seek Mental Health Services

If your chronic stress doesn’t seem to be getting better or your symptoms worsen, it may be a good idea to reach out to a mental health service. Even if you don’t believe you have a mental disorder, such as depression or anxiety, a professional mental health service can still provide you with the tools and techniques you may need to help you manage your stress.

If you’re struggling with chronic stress, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced mental health service at Appalachian Counseling and Psychological Services. We’re available to answer any questions you may have.