Behavioral Health: Knowing When Therapy is Right for You

If you’ve been struggling with your mental health, you are not alone. According to DoSomething, one in five individuals ages 13 to 18 have developed or will develop mental illness during their life. Factors such as relationship conflicts, financial strain, and the general stress of life can deeply impact our mental state. The question is, how do you know when to seek out mental health services? Determining if therapy is right for you can begin to relieve some of your burden, and that’s exactly what we’re here to do.

Examine Your Behavioral Health

For Behavioral Health, one step you can take toward figuring out your therapeutic goals is assessing your own actions. Behavior is an important external sign of how we are feeling inside. It is crucial to acknowledge that every behavior signifies a need. While certain behaviors can be unhealthy, even our harmful actions are serving a purpose. If you find that you’re engaging in these destructive behaviors, it might be time to consider speaking with a professional who can perform a psychological evaluation. These professionals are available to help you figure out healthier ways to cope with your feelings without harming yourself or others.

Speak With Your Loved Ones

Have your friends or family members noticed you acting differently lately? Those closest to us can often tell when something is wrong. Other times, we do a good job hiding our struggles. Ask a trusted loved one to help you process the idea of participating in mental health services. Having their encouragement and support can help you feel brave as you start your journey to finding emotional healing.

Ask Yourself What You Need

At the end of the day, one of the most impactful aspects of therapy is your willingness to participate. Ask yourself, “What do I want to learn in therapy?” This is a great starting point for figuring out your goals for your mental health. This self-reflective process will also prepare you to answer some of the questions you may be asked during psychological testing.

Whether you decide to reach out now or you feel more comfortable waiting until later, you are welcome at Appalachian Counseling and Psychological Services. Our team is excited to hear from you when you’re ready to learn and grow in your mental wellness. Contact us when the timing is right for you.